
People in the Vine state are dominating and take control of situations. They can be hard-hearted bullies, but the real reason they lack compassion is often to protect some inner weakness.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: Vine

People in the Vine state are dominating and take control of situations. They can be hard-hearted bullies, but the real reason they lack compassion is often to protect some inner weakness.

NEGATIVE: Tyrant, Ruthless, Wilfull
POSITIVE: Leadership, Understanding, Respect

One of the "7 Helpers".  In the Overcare for Welfare of Others Group

Flowers in late spring. Pick flowering sprigs. Sun potentized.

The Vine State

Vine people may be domineering, unscrupulous, ruthless and cruel, perhaps to disguise a weak inner centre. The Vine essence is ideal for individuals who crave power and for those who are controlling and bully others. It is also helpful when suffering from mental and physical inflexibility. 
However, these people are great in an emergency situation, and this essence can nurture inner strength. It brings forth natural authority in teachers and leaders, plus respect for others.


  • I am accepting the beauty in everyone’s differences
  • It is a joy to help others help themselves

Indications for using Vine 

  • For the child who is a bully at school and on the street.
  • For those who give orders and expect instant obedience.
  • For those who order others about, even when ill.
  • For those who dominate the weak.
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